Sports science research can be traced back to the year 131 AD in Greece. Millenia of research shows improved health, pro-social behaviour, education and income. Yet, even in these woke times, only 6% of sports science research is solely on women in sport, and only 30% includes them in any way.
That means that 70 – 94% of sports science research doesn’t even consider female biology or context.
Why Is This A Problem? Clinical interventions and policy in sport are direct outcomes of this research data which results in a systemic exclusion of female athletes.
6% of sports science research is exclusively on female athletes.
Only 30% includes them at all.
As sports science professionals, we are passionately invested in disrupting the current paradigm. We are driving the relocation of a sports science knowledge repository into Africa.
We are using an African lens to establish our clients’ challenges and identify the resources available to manage them. We are collaborating with the continent’s governments, sports bodies and teams to develop uniquely African, female sports health and performance solutions.
OUR SOLUTIONS We maximise the use of the available resources, new relevant scientific data, a strength-based approach and an African woman lens to develop context-relevant, affordable and sustainable workshops & programs. These powerful and empowering solutions will directly address our clients’ unique needs and circumstances.
An African Woman Lens On Sports Science
We believe our comprehensive, context-relevant, scientific modelling of the African sportswoman will achieve uhuru (freedom) in sport. The freedom to participate in sport as we are – and succeed. The freedom to be us.
For African women and girls, already marginal in the global sports science discourse, even less research is on them. Athletic training programs, products, policies, and budgets are biology-, socioeconomic- and religio-culturally biased.
Ignoring gender, socioeconomic, cultural and environmental circumstances renders African women and girls in sports invisible in the current global sports science narratives.
They do not receive context-relevant training, nutrition, injury and recovery consultations and services.
That is not right. We can do better. We should do better.
OUR FOCUS: Women in sport, African athlete sports nutrition, African sports health solutions, uhuru in sport for women and girls, women-specific sports injuries, sports injuries and female hormonal cycle, sports injury prevention in women and girls in sport, performance enhancement for African women and girls in sport, the mental health of African women in sport, the overall well-being of female athletes and the socioeconomic- and religio-cultural elements affecting all of these focus areas.